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Our Services

What is EDI
Inter-company, application-to-application communication of data in standard format for business transactions, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a set of standards for structuring information that is to be electronically exchanged between and within businesses, organizations, government entities and other groups. The standards describe structures that emulate documents, for example purchase orders to automate purchasing. The term EDI is also used to refer to the implementation and operation of systems and processes for creating, transmitting, and receiving EDI documents.
EDI Mapping Services
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is set of widely-used formats that define a standard syntax for the computer-to-computer transmission of business documents. EDI systems are designed to allow trading partners to exchange common documents such as purchase orders, invoices, insurance claims, etc., more efficiently, eliminating much of the time, paper, human interaction, and errors previously associated with these types of transactions. Two of the most popular EDI standards in use today are: ANSI X12 (American National Standards Institute X12): the de facto EDI standard used in North America UN / EDIFACT (United Nations Electronic Data Interchange for Administration Commerce and Transport): most prevalent international EDI standard LBSOFT has experienced mapping specialists who have been trained on mapping tools from leading vendors.
EDI Integration (EDIINT)
We implement the older protocols, new and emerging protocols such as EDIINT (AS1/AS2) , business level protocols such as RosettaNet and Global Data Synchronization. Basic Transports include: FTP Client, S/FTP Client, FTP Server, S/FTP Server, HTTP, HTTP/S, AS1, AS2, etc. In addition to implementation support and consultancy, LBSOFT also provides ongoing production support and trading partner enablement services for the trading hubs of large customers.
Enterprise Application Integration
VIt enables secure information exchange and streamlines business processes with your suppliers, customers and trading partners. LBSOFT has experience in working with some of the well known EAI tools that include TIBCO, Webmethods, Vitria and MQ series. In addition LBSOFT engineers and systems analysts have working experience with a variety of enterprise systems such as SAP, Oracle Apps, PeopleSoft, etc. as well as many custom built systems. This breadth of exposure allows LBSOFT to accomplish integration of the e-commerce gateway to the backend systems in a short time.
EDI Standards
SANSI X12, EDIFACT, Rosetta Net, XML, ebXML etc Standards are the familiar standards for LBSOFT, having been exposed to each one of these standards in course of recent projects. ebXML has been recently gaining ground with more and more companies implementing AS2 in their collaborative commerce environment. In many respects ebXML represents an evolution of AS1/AS2. ebXML Message Service Specifications have been built on the foundation provided by AS1/AS2. The fact that it gives users the ability to exchange internet based messages regardless of whether the format is EDI, XML or binary files has given ebXML an universal appeal in large supply chains such as the automotive supply chain. RosettaNet is another standard that is rapidly gaining critical mass especially in the electronics and semiconductor industries. LBSOFT has engineers who have implemented RosettaNet based supply chains.
ANSI X12, EDIFACT, Rosetta Net, XML, ebXML etc Standards are the familiar standards for LBSOFT, having been exposed to each one of these standards in course of recent projects. ebXML has been recently gaining ground with more and more companies implementing AS2 in their collaborative commerce environment. In many respects ebXML represents an evolution of AS1/AS2. ebXML Message Service Specifications have been built on the foundation provided by AS1/AS2. The fact that it gives users the ability to exchange internet based messages regardless of whether the format is EDI, XML or binary files has given ebXML an universal appeal in large supply chains such as the automotive supply chain. RosettaNet is another standard that is rapidly gaining critical mass especially in the electronics and semiconductor industries. LBSOFT has engineers who have implemented RosettaNet based supply chains. EDI Mapping Services, EDI Integration, Enterprise Application Integration, EDI Standards are for the implementation and operation of systems and processes for creating, transmitting, and receiving EDI documents.
Mobile App Development
We built a full enterprise solution for B-cycle, including mobile apps for Android and iPhone that allow users to find the closest B-cycle station and check out a bike right from their smartphone.
We are industry leader with the most complete enterprise mobility platform. With unparalleled capabilities, our customers enjoy the lowest total cost of ownership and the highest return on investment when compared to other application development tools.
Mobile App Development has become a standard for organizations such as Asplundh, Boeing, General Electric, The Rug Doctor, The United States Navy, the National Archives and many more.



Custom Application development.


State of the art technology solutions.


We are mapping specialists.

Address:500 Olde Worthington Rd

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  • Custom Apps
  • EDI Specialists
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